We are so glad you are considering taking the next step at getting connected at Crystal Valley! Below is a road map to help you get connected.

Small Groups

There are small groups that fit into your stage of life. Are you in your 20s wondering where you fit in? Check. In your 40s with children? Check. Are you 60 and caring for your children and your parents? Check.

The goal of our small groups is to care for each other while growing in our faith.

If you want to get connected with a small group, fill out this short form: https://form.church/zUfBAe9utj6mVGZVLy8Q

Wednesday Night

We have options for your family on Wednesday nights! Adults have Bible studies. Students from 6th-12th grade have youth group. Children from nursery to 5th grade have children’s ministry.

To get connected in this way, just show up! Every option begins at 6:30PM.


You can get connected by using your hands in serving at Crystal Valley! Whether you are great with children, musically talented, or great with hospitality, you have gifts to use!

There is a place for you to serve with our student ministries, tech team, worship team, first impressions team, coffee team or children’s ministry!

Contact our staff! 574-318-7173 office.cvmc@gmail.com